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Neonode Gesture Sensing
Gesture Sensing. Where Human Intuition and Technology Meet

제스처 감지

Neonode's gesture sensing technology enables machines and devices to recognize and interpret human movements as a means of interaction or control.

Depending on the space, depth and application, Neonode can enable custom gesture sensing in two ways. MultiSensing®, our camera-based computer vision software platform, uses sophisticated AI algorithms to recognize and convert real-time data from cameras, such as hand signals, body motions or facial expressions, into motion controlled commands - allowing users to control devices with natural movement, even from a remote distance. zForce, using infrared light, can recognize motion gestures in near proximity to a control panel, where intuitive hand signals can be configured such as swipe, point-to-select or directional movement.

Gesture sensing offers extraordinary design flexibility for creating user-centered experiences that emphasize simplicity, intuitiveness and accessibility.

We are helping our customers to redefine human-machine interaction with intuitive gesture recognition.

Gesture Sensing USPs

Customized HMI Solutions Icon

Customizable Gestures and Commands

Our flexible software allows designers to create unique experiences with rapid feature customization for any application.


Camera Position and Lens Agnostic

MultiSensing accepts camera inputs from RGB, IR, TOF, pinhole, wide-angle or fisheyes. It runs effectively in all standard camera positions.

Icon - Screen Protection

Remote Reach Interaction

Using remote cameras to capture hand commands, enable interactivity from afar. Perfect for controls that are out of reach for the user.


중요한 것과 중요하지 않은 것 구분하기

Program MultiSensing to recognize anything or anyone. Teach it to understand the things it must see and what it should ignore.

Gesture Sensing CTA

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your gesture sensing requirements.

How Gesture Sensing Works

Depending on if you want a user to control an application with hand or body gestures, or an application to respond to intentional or unintentional human behavior, Neonode delivers customizable gesture sensing for use in any machine or application.

We enable gesture sensing in two ways; computer vision and/or infrared light.

Computer Vision

The MultiSensing software platform delivers embedded gesture sensing capabilities using motion data from cameras (compatible with RGB, wide angle, IR, fisheye, pinhole and ToF lenses, regardless of position or perspective) to identify predefined signals or gestures such as hand, body or facial movements and converts these actions into configurable commands in real time using advanced computer vision algorithms.

Using synthetic data to quickly and effectively train the neural networks, our software can be configured to recognize any gesture, proximity or motion pattern and the output can be confined to a given coordinate space for definitive detection.

With a commitment to reliability and integration flexibility, Neonode uses background subtraction, depth sensing and 3D mapping to distinguish between the user and the surrounding environment, making it an excellent choice for controlled or busy environments.

자세히 알아보기 MultiSensing

Infrared Light

Infrared light is a powerful tool for enabling close-proximity gesture control in machines and devices. By emitting invisible light beams across a predefined sensing area, zForce can detect the size, motion and proximity of finger or hand signals, such as swiping, pointing or pinching, by calculating the X and Y coordinates of any blocked or reflected light.

zForce consists of light emitters and detectors, an optical light guide with lenses and an ASIC which is connected to a host running Neonode’s proprietary embedded software. The ASIC continuously monitors the light path and send detected gestures to the host to generate interaction. By leveraging the versatility of infrared light, gesture inputs can be customized while maintaining high reliability and low power consumption.

This solution is highly effective in rugged environments where precision and responsiveness are critical. It is particularly well-suited for highly regulated industries such as in automotive, industrial, medical and public sector.

자세히 알아보기 zForce

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운전자 및 기내 모니터링

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합성 데이터로 미래의 AI 기반 자동차 경험을 제공하세요.

Gesture Sensing Inspiration

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